Sebastien Bihorel
Author of 6 CRAN packages
Sebastien Bihorel has worked on 6 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Sebastien Bihorel is on a mission. One collaborator: Michael Baudin. Sebastien Bihorel knows how to pick the right partner to get the job done!
6 Packages
- neldermeadR Port of the 'Scilab' Neldermead Module
- optimbaseR Port of the 'Scilab' Optimbase Module
- optimsimplexR Port of the 'Scilab' Optimsimplex Module
- pmxcodeCreate Pharmacometric Models
- rclipboardShiny/R Wrapper for 'clipboard.js'
- scaRabeeOptimization Toolkit for Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Models